The right way to lose weight!

The Right Way to Lose Weight!

Do not keep thinking that you are on a diet. Just think thin, and remember, you are not on a diet. You are just eating sensibly, and eating less to be healthier!
Makesure you do not let anyone talk you out of losing weight. (Unless you are doing it in an unhealthy way.) Once you make your mind up, go for it!

Make sure that you have a realistic weight goal. Try not to become obsessed with a certain number. The mirror and your own feelings are a better indicator of your success.
Watch and check nutrition labels.

Just because they say something is low in fat on the front doesn't mean it's good for you.
Being obsessed with losing weight can lead to eating disorders.
Don't be so anxious to tell everyone about your diet, they may tease you with certain foods and try and sabotage you!
Tests have proven that if you get on a scale too much you actually gain more weight , so it's better to base it on something like how you feel in your favorite jeans.
NEVER try to starve yourself! Doing so, will put your metabolism into "starvation mode" which will slow down metabolism and slow down weight loss. However, if you decide to fast (A controlled period of time where you only drink water or juices to cleanse your body or aid weight loss), daily exercise will keep your metabolism from slowing down, which would cause rapid weight gain when you start to eat solids.

Don't just have 3 meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner... eat up to 6 portioned meals/snacks a day. By eating 6 times a day you give your metabolism a constant need to be working. Snacks should be healthy foods like vegetables, fruit, or whole grains NO JUNK CHIPS, SNACK CAKES, ETC!!! The key is portion reduction. If you eat 5 pancakes for breakfast, cut back to 2 pancakes. Make sure you cut back little by little on what you eat. Generally making conversation while eating allows your body the time to recognize if you are full or not. Do not be tempted to eat the food because you are not satisfied yet. Once you are full, that's enough.

A positive attitude always helps!
Some people find it easier to "diet" with a friend or even your family!

Remember: You lose weight when you burn more calories than you consume. So watch your diet and exercise.
It is also important to keep in mind your body type; don't expect to look like a model if everyone in your family is stocky, or not so muscular.
Visiting a gym can be a fun way to exercise.
Dress in slimming outfits, it will make you look thinner and you will feel better about your self!
Talk to people about why you want to lose weight. Most people have excellent ideas on how to do it.
Ask a friend if they think that you need to lose weight. A positive comment always helps!
Exercise! Doing Exercise can help you burn calories and make you lose weight.
Sample of Exercise that can make you lose Weight:

Do at least 20-50 jumping jacks or star jumps everyday this will also help burn some calories that you want to get rid of. Do not do more than 50 jumping jacks, it will make you tired and your body will ache before doing the next exercise. This exercise only takes about 1-3 minutes.

Do 10-20 push-ups and sit-ups everyday, it helps your bones get stronger and build muscles (it also burns fat). These exercises takes about 3-5 minutes. Do not do more than 20 push-ups and sit-ups.

Jog in place for about 4-5 minutes tops without stopping. Then breathe in with your nose and out with your mouth 5 times. It helps your heartbeat go back to normal.

If you work, walk to your work, carpooling is nice too but make sure you walk for atleast half a mile three times a week. (Burns a LOT of fat) Also if you are a student, you can walk to school or ride a bike instead of getting a ride, saves money, keeps our air clean and burns calories.

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